People Inc. has long been an advocate for vocational training and employment opportunities for people with varying needs and abilities. Since 1986, People Inc. has helped people train, prepare for, secure, and maintain employment.
People Inc. is proud to announce the availability of Provide Real Opportunities to Maximize Options for Transition and Employment Youth (or PROMOTE Youth), which will provide Employment Transition Services (ETS) to students with disabilities in secondary, post-secondary, non-traditional or alternative education programs (between the ages of 14 and 21) who need such services and are potentially, BUT NOT YET, eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services.
Admissions >
Watch this heartfelt video testimonial from a local business owner who proudly employs people with disabilities.
Community Prevocational Services
Erie and Niagara Counties

Community Prevocational Services prepare people with developmental disabilities for paid employment or meaningful community activities, including volunteering, community exploration and integration. These services are provided through out Erie and Niagara counties at multiple locations and are designed to be person-centered and part of the employment continuum.
Employment Training Program (ETP)
Erie, Niagara, Monroe and Orleans

Participants of the Young Adult Life Transitions (YALT) Program can enroll in ETP to prepare and plan for employment success by completing various paid community internships. The internships provide opportunities for students with developmental disabilities to build skills that will increase their employability after graduation.
Age: 18+
For more information about our Vocational Services, call 716.817.5750.
Job Placement Program

The goal of the People Inc. Job Placement Program is to assist people whose disabilities constitute a substantial obstacle to employment in the competitive work world. This service is designed to provide admission/initial assessment, job development, job placement, and intensive on-site training and related support services on a short-term basis.
Information: 716.694.6630
4286 Delaware Ave
Tonawanda, NY 14150
LEVELS - Learn, Educate, Volunteer, Employ, Lead and Succeed

People enrolled in LEVELS receive Community Prevocational services within the community and at the Lincoln Street location in Depew. Community exploration occurs at a variety of sites and locations determined through person-centered planning. These include paid and unpaid opportunities such as tours, volunteering and general observation and interaction in and around community locations and businesses. People learn the skills necessary to make educated short- and long-term vocational goals. Agency staff will support people in the transition to less restrictive services and supports, or ideally, employment.
For more information about our Vocational Services, call 716.817.5750.
Pathway to Employment
Erie and Niagara

PTE • All Regions
Provides assistance for people to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self-employment. This individualized service offers the opportunity to identify a career or vocational direction. Pathway to Employment also provides instruction and training in job readiness skills and develops a plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the New York State minimum wage.
Within 12 months, the outcome of this service is documentation of the participant’s stated career objective, a detailed career plan used to guide employment supports and preparation for supported employment services.
Age: 18+
Information: 716.817.5750.
Western New York

Attention Students: Ready, Set, Work: Options for Students with Disabilities
Provide Real Opportunities to Maximize Options for Transition and Employment Youth (or PROMOTE Youth) provides Employment Transition Services (ETS) to students with disabilities in secondary, post-secondary, non-traditional or alternative education programs (between the ages of 14 and 21) who need such services and are potentially, BUT NOT YET, eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services.
Services Include
- Job Exploration
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Education
- Work-Based Learning
- Work Place Readiness
- Instruction on Self-Advocacy
The location to provide services is flexible. Please contact us for details.
Students who are:
- Ages 14-21
- Enrolled in an educational program, such as secondary school, home-school, alternate school, 2-year college, 4-year college, vocational or technical school, HSE preparation, adult literacy, or other recognized education program such as offered through the juvenile justice system
- Not currently working with ACCES-VR
- Are eligible for a Section 504 plan of the Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
- Are receiving special education services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Information: 716.817.5750
This project is funded in full by the Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) with authority of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title IV.
SaVE Transition Program (School to Work)
Erie and Niagara

The goal of the Social and Vocational Enrichment (SaVE) Transition Program is to significantly increase the community-based experiences and job readiness skills of special education students. The program begins to prepare students and their families for what resources are available in the community to support each student as they transition from school to adult life. SaVE is provided to various Western New York school districts.
Students first joining the program will receive in-school training, learning skills such as working in the cafeteria and making print shop deliveries. When students are ready to enter the community, they will complete four internships, each a total of 10 weeks, in a range of industries. A SaVE Transition Specialist will accompany two to four participants at each internship, guiding them every step of the way.
Benefits for Students
- Increases motivation to stay in school by making education more relevant
- Increases understanding of workplace expectations and skills needed
- Enhances general workplace competencies, such as communication, teamwork, and project planning
- Establishes professional contacts for future employment and mentoring
Ages: 14+
Admissions: 716.880.3700
Information: 716.694.6630
Supported Employment Program
Erie, Monroe, Niagara and Orleans

ACCES-VR and OPWDD ETP • All Regions
The People Inc. Supported Employment Program serves a large spectrum of people with disabilities in Erie, Monroe, Niagara and Orleans Counties. Individualized job carving is provided with an individual placement model, which offers assessment of employment interest and choice, job development, job training, stabilization and long-term follow along. All placements are community-based in an integrated setting. Participants are employees of their place of employment and are paid the prevailing wage for their work.
A job coach works as the liaison between the employer and the employee, focusing on job readiness and addressing any concerns. Office hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday-Friday; job coach hours flexible according to the participant's work hours.
Participants must:
- Have a developmental disability
- Be 18 years or older, aging out of school system
- Have a referral from ACCES-VR
- Be medically and residentially stable
- Be able to use the bathroom independently
- Provide their own transportation
Supported Employment ACCES-VR Intensive, Extended and OPWDD Waiver - Community-based
Information: 716.817.5750 | Admissions Toll-Free Phone: 833.404.0032
For Business Owners: If you own or manage a local business and would like more information on how to become a partner with this program, contact us at 716.817.5750.
Young Adult Life Transitions (YALT) Program
Erie and Niagara

A community-based program offering young adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to experience life on a college campus and locations within the area business community, while developing functional skills. The program focuses on independence in the community, preparation for employment and continuation of the learning process, as well as establishing and maintaining friendships.
All activities are designed through person-centered planning and will ready participants for integrated, competitive employment.
Age: 18-26, some exceptions are available
Transportation: Medicaid transportation is provided to all participants who require the service. There may be some limitations regarding distance. Mobility training is a skill that is encouraged in the program, so utilizing public transportation may be appropriate in some instances.
Program Locations
- YALT at Canisius College – Buffalo, NY: CPV • Central/City
- YALT at Daemen College – Snyder, NY: CPV • Central
- YALT at Erie Community College – Orchard Park, NY: CPV and DHWW • South
- YALT in Lockport – Lockport, NY: Site-based Day Hab and DHWW • North
- YALT at University at Buffalo (South Campus) – Buffalo, NY: CPV and DHWW • Central/City
Information: 716.817.7400 | Admissions >