Build your career with us! Achieve an excellent work-life balance, while supporting the goals and dreams of people with disabilities. We have a place for people of all skill levels in a variety of departments. Comprehensive paid training and an outstanding benefits package are just a few of the advantages available to all People Inc. employees.
Direct Support Positions
Direct Support Professionals
Direct support professionals, or DSPs, work with children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities in different aspects of their daily lives. Some DSPs assist with life skills in personal living environments (group homes, apartments, etc.), while others provide enriching activities in the community or at Day program or Respite locations. Training is provided for every type of DSP, with a range of shift options.
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Behavior Technicians
As a behavior technician, you'll provide instruction and supervision to people in all aspects associated with day and/or residential programming, including but not limited to adjustment counseling, coping and functional skill building, functional activities and community outings. A range of shift options is available.
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RN, LPN & Clinical Positions
RNs and LPNs
Full and part time positions are available for passionate nursing professionals! As a human services agency we are seeking candidates with strong leadership skills, compassion and the ability to work in a collaborative environment.
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Clinical Positions
People Inc. has a variety of diverse clinical positions such as physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists to assist our clinical and home health departments.
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Facilities Technicians
Facilities Technicians are needed at various locations across Western New York and Rochester region. The responsibilities include custodial duties, building maintenance and repairs in our residential group homes, administrative buildings and apartment complexes. Uniforms, tools and protective equipment will all be provided to you, along with paid hands-on training. Whether you are skilled in trades or just starting out, this would be the perfect position for you!
Behavioral Intervention Specialists
Calling all Master’s level clinicians – Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Join us where you will work Monday to Friday in the community providing support to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Your expertise and clinical skills will be valuable as you help them with the tools to address challenging behaviors. We are seeking energetic and creative staff to join our team in the Behavior Department supporting children, teens and adults.
Self Determination Assistants
Please note: This position is reserved only for applicants who have been selected by a person receiving services. If you haven’t been selected by a person receiving services, please consider applying to other opportunities listed on our job board. In this position, you would be providing personal care and skill-building assistance to a person that selects you to work directly with them.
Contact careers@people-inc.org, or 716.322.7050 or 585.719.3408.