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Residential Services provide people with intellectual and developmental disabilities a variety of supports using a Person-Centered and Trauma-Informed Care approach. There are numerous homes throughout Erie, Chautauqua, Niagara and Monroe Counties. Each has qualified staff available 24 hours a day. There are a variety of unique homes for people looking for particular services, including homes for children, specialized homes for people with complex medical needs, several apartment options and so much more. All residential services are certified through the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities.

Additional residential programs include family care in which families open their home to individuals with developmental disabilities; and supportive apartments designed for people who are more independent yet require some guidance on a regular basis. In addition to more traditional group homes and supportive apartments, innovative “person-centered” housing is being developed. Persons with a developmental disability are eligible.

Hours: 24-hour supervision or dependent on the needs of the person

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Individual Residential Alternative (IRA)

Erie, Niagara, Monroe and Chautauqua (Northern)

Community-based certified housing

Age: Varies

Designed to accommodate each person's unique residential needs, IRAs provide people with developmental disabilities a variety of supports using a person-centered and trauma-informed care approach. Staff are specially trained to encourage the highest level of independence and decision making through 24-hour care (or less if needed) in urban, suburban and rural locations. Residential staff provides support with daily living skills, goals, medical and behavioral health care. Staff also support and encourage community activities and building relationships with natural supports. During the day, a person may attend a day program, school, or work in a supported employment placement.

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Individualized Service Environment (ISE)

Provides self-directed, individualized assistance and support to people living on their own, either alone or with roommates, in their own home or apartment. The program provides residential habilitation, along with natural supports, to assist people with activities such as money management, nutrition, socialization, laundry and other activities of daily living, necessary to successfully live independently.

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Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF)


Community-based certified housing

Eligibility: Significant need in the area of adaptive behavior and/or self care.

Age: 18+

Residential settings designed to meet the needs of people with developmental disabilities requiring more support and/or training in their home to live in the community. ICFs provide enriched staffing ratios to accommodate the varied needs of the residents, including social workers, OT/PT/Speech therapists, nursing, nutritional services, behavioral services and recreation staff. Residential staff assist with daily living skills, goals and medical and behavioral health care. During the day, a person may attend a day program, school, or work in a supported employment placement. 

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On Our Way @Wayside

Resident doing laundry at On Our Way @Wayside

The “On Our Way @Wayside” residence provides people with intellectual and developmental disabilities a space to live and build important life skills. Three tenants at a time will live at Wayside for a three- to nine-month period and their progress will be tracked monthly through an assessment process. The residence consists of three separate pods/en suites. Staff will be present at limited, set times to work on skills for independent living. The larger common spaces will allow for group learning activities on cooking, cleaning, laundry, budgeting and mobility training. Located in Hamburg, “On Our Way @Wayside” will help provide people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to gain independence by being progressively responsible for all aspects of their “next step” community apartment, while living in a safe practice model.

Features include: Utilities, air conditioned, accessible/barrier-free with walk-in showers, laundry facilities on site, Wi-Fi and cable in the common area and located near a bus line.

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Supervised Apartments

Erie, Niagara, Monroe and Chautauqua (Northern)

Community-based certified housing

Age: 18+

An independent residential option for people with developmental disabilities. Trained staff are available 24-hours per day to assist in refining daily living skills and community skills.

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Supportive Apartments

Erie, Monroe and Chautauqua (Northern)

A more independent residential setting for people with a developmental disability who need support and guidance on a regular basis. Supervision and guidance is based on the resident's individual needs.

Age: 18+

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Perfect Fit

Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Monroe, Niagara and Orleans

Perfect Fit

"I truly believe I receive and benefit just as much, if not more, from providing care to someone who needs it." -A Perfect Fit Provider

What makes Perfect Fit different? Sharing a home with people you care about is a dream for many. Different than group homes and Intermediate Care Facilities, Perfect Fit is a loving family that has opened their home treating the person who comes to live with them like one of their own.

People with developmental disabilities can find their place to call home through the People Inc. Perfect Fit program. A unique blending of an existing family home who has opened their doors providing a safe, natural, family setting for people to receive the care and support they need, with the independence to explore their own interests. Perfect Fit’s distinctive residential settings welcomes people with warmth, compassion, and encouragement, enabling them to gain a genuine feeling of acceptance through stable relationships and community participation. You have an opportunity to truly be part of family living.

Seeking new Perfect Fit providers! If you have room in your home, as well as in your heart, then the Perfect Fit Program may be right for you. Contact us to explore how to become someone’s “second family.”

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Current Openings

North Buffalo Perfect Fit Family Care Location

You may find your Perfect Fit in this two story yellow North Buffalo home, with a beautiful enclosed front porch. There are four steps into the home, where the bedrooms and bathrooms are on the second floor. The back yard is fully fenced in and is the place for yummy barbecues in the summer. The Perfect Fit Provider and her husband love music and often in summer months, the husband can be heard playing his guitar on the porch. There are so many fun things to do in North Buffalo that are even in walking distance of the house. This couple loves to be out and about whenever they can and they are looking forward to having someone join them who would like to spend time with family and friends.

Does this sound like you or need more information? Check out our Perfect Fit flyers below or call 716.345.6161.

Learn More: About the Program

Learn More: For Providers

Learn More: For People Seeking a Residence

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