Care Management for Children
Erie, Cattaraugus (Northern), Chautauqua (Northern), Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, Orleans and Wayne

At People Inc., we understand that caring for a child who is on Medicaid and has a chronic health condition can be challenging and complex. To help families in our community better manage their child’s health services, People Inc. now offers care management to families enrolled with our partner Health Home – Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York (CHHUNY).
The program is not a physical building or home, but rather a virtual network of support that provides a care manager who is a compassionate key point of contact for the coordination of services.
Families enrolled in a Health Home can expect to receive comprehensive care management where all of a child’s providers communicate with one another to meet the needs of the child and their family. Your care manager will assist you in accessing necessary services for your child to stay healthy, out of the ER and out of the hospital.
Ages: 0 to 21
Community Behavioral Health

People Inc. recognizes that children and adults with developmental disabilities want to keep strong connections with their families and their surrounding communities. When a family member has a developmental disability, sometimes the person will need help to learn and grow. Some may need education, counseling, behavioral assessment and support, or behavioral crisis intervention. The People Inc. Community Behavioral Health Department has a group of specialized services designed to help families and people with disabilities live and function in healthy ways.
What Services Are Offered?
- Positive behavior supports and behavior change
- Training to build skills, such as social skills, self-management, toilet training
- General guidance
- Counseling for people with disabilities
- Counseling for family members
- Sensory integration
- Training and supports for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Behavioral assessment
- Crisis services
Must be eligible to receive OPWDD Family Support Services.
Early Intervention

Early Intervention provides services for children up to the age of three with diagnosed or suspected developmental delays. The Program provides services such as occupational and physical therapies, speech, language therapy, service coordination and a Special Education Teacher that encourages your child’s growth and development. The program also helps you better understand your child’s individual needs and how you can enhance his or her development.
For children up to three years of age. No charge to family.
Erie County
Services are provided through the Erie County Department of Children’s Services. Diagnostic evaluations are conducted to determine a child's eligibility for services. Services may be provided at your home or a community-based setting. The child must meet NYS Early Intervention Program Guidelines.
Monroe County & Surrounding Region
Only Early Intervention Service Coordination is available, through which knowledgeable staff assist families to determine and access the services that will help their child develop. They also provide crisis intervention and oversee the coordination between the family and professional service providers.
Environmental Modifications & Adaptive Technologies
Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates

If any of these situations apply, People Inc. is likely able to assist:
- If an area of your home needs increased accessibility as a result of an eligible diagnosis of intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, neurological impairment, familial dysautonomia, Prader-Willi syndrome, or autism.
- If you are living in a community-based environment that is limiting your ability to live as independently as possible.
- If you are providing Care Coordination services to a person living in a community-based environment that is limiting their ability to live as independently as possible.
- If you suspect a caregiver is at risk of injury from lifting/transferring.
People Inc. EMOD Project Management services can provide access to adaptations to the home environment through OPWDD waiver funding (currently HCBS). Care Coordinators/Care Managers -- to apply, fill out the People Inc. EMOD and Clinical Assessment Form. After receiving this packet, People Inc. will then arrange most clinical, professional design, and project management services.
Project Management Services
Our experienced team can provide project management services in:
- Environmental Modifications (EMODs): Changes to your home or apartment that will increase accessibility and safety – such as ramps, wheelchair lifts, lowered counter tops, barrier-free showers, grab bars, automatic or manual door openers and ceiling tracks
- Assistive Technology (A. Tech): Devices that increase safety, accessibility and personal successes – such as hygiene seats, shaker beds, service animals and specialized seating
- Vehicle Modifications (VMODs): Enhancements made to a car, truck, van or SUV that allow access to the community – such as modified driver controls, ramps, lift assist seating and securement systems
Excellence in Customer Service
- People Inc. offers excellent service for our customers and Care Coordinators in Western New York (WNY DDRO) and the Greater Rochester region (Finger Lakes DDRO). Our newly enhanced process benefits those seeking supports and service provider alike. Care Coordinators and Managers now simply fill in and digitally sign/submit the above hyperlinked form. A clinical team will complete an in-home consultation and recommend waiver and/or insurance funded modifications needed to create a safer and more accessible environment.
- People Inc. has established a network of the industry’s foremost experts to assist people increase their independence and safety. People who have chosen People Inc. as their EMOD, A. Tech and VMOD advocate have experienced substantial gains in safety, independence and personal success.
Ask your Care Coordinator or Care Manager to call today for a personalized informational session and consultation.
Now Recruiting Contractors!
People Inc. is continuously recruiting small to mid-sized local contractors that will provide estimates and complete awarded accessibility modifications. Complete the Contractor Intake Form to get started.
For additional information, contact us at or call the People Inc. EMODS program line for Western New York: 716.880.3815 or the Greater Rochester region: 585.719.3417.

Ever wanted an easy, efficient, and entirely electronic EMOD experience? Connect with People Inc. Project Management! Every second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m., we present a workshop via Microsoft Teams. Care Coordinators can learn all about EMODs, VMODs and Assistive Technology; plus, eligibility information, how to enroll, and what to expect.
Mercy Doula Program

Life Transitions: The Mercy Doula Program provides support to a person, staff member and/or family during the transition into end of life.
Mercy doulas are trained support professionals working in the field of developmental disabilities who have a driving passion to assist, honor and support someone during a significant transition into end of life. While working with a person, a doula assists someone to resolve business or personal matters, identify their ultimate wishes, increase their overall quality of life, create a desirable atmosphere to the person’s liking and in some cases, develop a legacy project or vigil plan. The overall goal and purpose of this support is to ensure that lives are honored as such and become a personal event in time, as opposed to a medical emergency. At the time of death, doulas will also provide ongoing support to families and staff to ensure that the grieving process is initiated with understanding. A follow-up with family is initiated after passing up to eight weeks, with support lasting for the following thirteen months, as needed.
Traumatic Brain Injury

Supports for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI), other cognitive conditions, seniors and veterans, are available through Headway of Western New York, an affiliate of People Inc. The agency offers a variety of services to the Western New York community, including: support groups, identification of supports, educational programs, waiver programs, symposiums, outreach, special fundraising events and a bi-annual newsletter.
Information: 716.408.3120